Life Lessons I Didn’t Learn in College

 I believe people are best convinced by reasons they themselves discover. Influencing and inspiring others begins with facilitating this self-discovery in others. I serve people by filling the “knowledge” gap between what they teach you in business school and what my students call the “real world.”  I employ “streetsmart” lessons learned from having fought and …

Top Reasons Salespeople Loose

Good article for my former “quota carrying” students. I’d like to add another reason why salespeople lose business: being so self-absorbed in your company’s sales process that you fail to make a human connection with the person sitting on the other side of the desk! Top Reasons Salespeople Lose Business – Harvard Business Review It’s …

Advance Your Career Growth at a Startup – 4 Ideas How

“One of the things people love about working at small startups is the flat management structure.” “Instead of presenting your ideas to your manager’s manager… you can focus on simply executing them.” “But even in this type of environment, a year or so after you’ve gotten a job you love, you might be looking for …

4 Career Growth Questions For Your Boss – Forbes

“Are you on the right career path?” “Are you growing and being challenged?” “If you answered no to either of those questions, you need to ask your manager for a career path meeting. Ideally, this is a one-on-one meeting you’ll have every six months.” Move up t Move down”Here are four questions to ask …

Help Grow Your Career – Align with what Highly Successful People Do

“As I become more experienced and more successful in business,  I’ve begun to realize that most successful people don’t make a lot of money  because they are lucky or because they know the right people.” “Nor do I believe  that people are simply born destined to become wealthy.” “Rather,  I’ve come to recognize that many …