College Graduates Can Use MOOCs to Help Land A First Job

“With the competitive nature of the job market in general, recent college  graduates may have an experience deficit that shrinks their opportunity to  compete with experienced job seekers.”

“Employers aren’t looking just for a degree. They want to know you are going to  succeed in the job and that they won’t have to be hunting for your replacement  in a few months.”

“How can MOOCs, (massive open online courses), help new college grads land a job?” by Dianna Sadlouskos

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streetsmartprof‘s insight:

Your dream job is based on skill sets you can bring to the table. Yet as a college grad, your skills are mostly around the “what and why”. Not much has been provided in terms of “how” businesses use your skill sets.

Dianna provides numerous sites which provide online classes and the price is definetly right, “free”.

If you have gaps in some of your skill sets, (which we all do), perhaps a few on line classes will provide the edge you need to raise above the noise during the job search.

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