Job Search: How To Focus with Less “What,” More “Why”

“Your job search will be more successful if you focus less on what you’d like to do and more on why you’re doing it.” “If we started thinking less about what day-to-day tasks we wanted to do while at work (the ‘what’) and reflected more on the things we wanted to achieve, accomplish or bring …

Job Seekers: 10 Unconventional Very Effective Tips

“When you ask any professional who has achieved some level of greatness how he or she got there, the journey is always unique, always varied, and rarely cookie-cutter.” “Most have, in some capacity, followed their passion, used their network, and had a good resume–but those things are usually part of a much bigger picture, and …

Job Search: 14 Tips For Staying Calm During An Interview

“You’re in the hot seat. Your palms are sweaty; voice is shaky; face is flushed; and mouth is dry. Maybe you’re bouncing your knees and talking too fast.” “Perhaps your heart is racing or your stomach is turning. You’re nervous.” “Why does this happen to so many job candidates?” “When we perceive that we are …

Ready to Jump In and Start Applying for Jobs?

What the experts recommend for a job search I started this article back in 2012 and have been hunting for the current answer ever since. At first I figured a quick 30 minutes to refresh my knowledge.  Boy was I wrong… Type in “job search”, (use quotations for an exact match), on Google and 170 Million hits show up today in …

The Hiring Process is Like Choosing a College

The reasons are not so clear at first glance, yet both are a buy-sell cycle. In both cases there is a buyer and a seller. The economic impact is similar, whether you are choosing to go to college or to hire a new employee. Comparing time lines, the evaluation of “which college” or “which person” is likely weeks or months, not …