The Most Overlooked Interview Research Methods for Job Seekers

“When I was recruiting, my team and I could always tell when someone had done their homework on the company or not.” “If they didn’t do the research, they were out.” “In retrospect, it’s regrettable we even had to waste an interview on someone who didn’t investigate us and our mission thoroughly.” by Lea McLeod …

Job Seekers: How LinkedIn’s New Search Capabilities Can Help You

“Since it’s such a popular feature, LinkedIn users demanded a better search experience.” “The good news is this new search makes it easier for recruiters to find you but ONLY if you’ve written your profile correctly.” “Here are three ways to leverage LinkedIn’s new search approach.” by Joshua Waldman Read More: streetsmartprof‘s insight: Trying …

Define Your Sweet Spot Before Interviewing

If you played or watched baseball you may know there is a sweet-spot on the bat. “A place where a combination of factors results in a maximum response for a given amount of effort.” Part of being street-smart is to discover and understand where in the business world does “your sweet spot” exist. One method is to create a list of …

How to Avoid Landing in a Dead End Company

Use your sweet-spot to consider which companies line up with your strengths and weaknesses. There are two courses of action, and before we get started, let’s review both. The first method, what we refer to as “spray and pray“. Send your resume to as many companies as you can locate who are running ads for open positions. Using the …

The Hiring Process is Like Choosing a College

The reasons are not so clear at first glance, yet both are a buy-sell cycle. In both cases there is a buyer and a seller. The economic impact is similar, whether you are choosing to go to college or to hire a new employee. Comparing time lines, the evaluation of “which college” or “which person” is likely weeks or months, not …

How to Find the Right Companies for Your Sweetspot

Ever walk into a place and the hair on the back of your neck stood up? What if the next thing which happened in short order is you were offered what is “supposedly” your dream job? Would you take it “hoping” for the best? Or would you do some research to figure out who is “behind the …