Job Seekers Interview Tip: Don’t Give Answers, Tell Stories

“Before a big interview, most people will spend time to prepare answers for likely interview questions. This is useful and can get you prepared for the basics.” “The trouble is that the interviewer is not looking for answers that are already on your resume, they want to hear something that adds to it.” “You have …

Can a Social Business Help Improve the Customer Experience?

“The days when you can control your brand through your website are long gone. Customers are getting information about your brand and products through a number of different channels and if you aren’t listening and engaging these channels, you won’t only miss new business opportunities, but will quickly see the competition pass you by.” “While …

4 Career Growth Questions For Your Boss – Forbes

“Are you on the right career path?” “Are you growing and being challenged?” “If you answered no to either of those questions, you need to ask your manager for a career path meeting. Ideally, this is a one-on-one meeting you’ll have every six months.” Move up t Move down”Here are four questions to ask …

Tapping the Hidden Jobs Market During Your Search | NYU

“If you attended our seminar last night, you already know that nearly 70% of jobs are found by Tapping the Hidden Job Market.” “But in case you missed it, here are some tips and tricks for recent graduates looking for a job, current students searching for an internship, or for experienced professionals who are seeking …

Questions for Job Seekers to Ask During an Interview and Some to Avoid

“A job interview is a two-way street. While you need to use it as an opportunity to convince the employer that you are the best candidate for the job, you also need to be convinced that the job and the company would be a great fit for you.” “So when the tables are turned and …

5 Secrets of Networking for Job Seekers

I. PREPARATION II. WORK THE ROOM III. NETWORKING TOOLS IV. BUILD MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS V. BUILD AND MAINTAIN CONNECTIONS streetsmartprof‘s insight: If you are looking for more then a quick article on networking, take some quality time to review this slideshare deck. Yes, it is long, yet it is written as a complete workshop on how …

College Graduates Can Use MOOCs to Help Land A First Job

“With the competitive nature of the job market in general, recent college  graduates may have an experience deficit that shrinks their opportunity to  compete with experienced job seekers.” “Employers aren’t looking just for a degree. They want to know you are going to  succeed in the job and that they won’t have to be hunting …