Job Seekers Interview Tip: Don’t Give Answers, Tell Stories

“Before a big interview, most people will spend time to prepare answers for likely interview questions. This is useful and can get you prepared for the basics.”

“The trouble is that the interviewer is not looking for answers that are already on your resume, they want to hear something that adds to it.”

“You have to realize that a successful interview isn’t a cross examination, it’s a conversation. If you want to break out of the question/answer ping pong match, you should aim to sprinkle in some interesting information about yourself in the shape of stories.”

“The human brain is hard wired to remember stories, not just the words but the visuals that went through the listeners head as well. Marketers make very clever use of stories to sell products and services and so should you.”

by Jorgen Sundberg

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streetsmartprof‘s insight:

Jogen provides numerous examples of stories you can tell in an interview.

As with any story, practice is recommended and try to come up with the best stories to tell about yourself. Regardless how good you are at telling stories, even a bad story comes out poorly.

Think about how many times you’ve walked away from a conversation at a party where the reason you moved on was having to listen to really bad stories.

The other hint is to make sure every story has a point and get to it quickly. Ideally, every story you tell in an interview should be less then 90 seconds. If the hiring manager is interested, you will hear these words, “tell me more.”

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Posted in Interview.