Career Growth – If Software Could Do Your Job – Change May be Next

“This isn’t just an interesting trend for tech or economics nerds to puzzle over; it’s a very real phenomenon that is going to impact your career.”

“So ask yourself: could software basically do your job? What about just some of it?”

“If significant portions of your job could be handled by software, you need to think very seriously about whether the career path you’re on is the right one.” by Walter Frick

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streetsmartprof‘s insight:

Productivity improvements are part of what keeps a company healthy and competitive. During economic growth, most positions which are eliminated are replaced with other positions which bring higher value.

From personal observations, during good times, individuals move around alot within a company which is growing as they and their jobs evolve.

During bad times, it is not uncommon to focus on reducing the cost to produce things. Which includes the office as well as manufacturing jobs.

When there is low or no growth, as positions are removed, others jobs are not being created as quickly. Layoffs and turnover increases and it is a viscous cycle for positive career growth.

Evolution is all about change, or things disappear. The same is true for companies and our own career growth. One of the best ways to not become obsolete. Continue to develop skills and capabilties your company can use as you head towards your dream job.

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Posted in Career Growth.