In Career Growth Body Language Plays a Role

“Body language plays an important role in leadership success.”

“Many leaders focus on verbal skills, but they fail to realize there are two conversations going on when they meet another person.”

“Reading people successfully means collecting non-verbal information to evaluate thoughts and emotions. It is a skill that requires constant practice and training.”

“To assist with this training, I’m going to provide you with 10 commandments to maximize your ability to accurately read non-verbals:” by LaRae Quy

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streetsmartprof‘s insight:

LaRae as an FBI agent who needed to be able to determine if someone was telling the truth shares her wealth of knowledge around how to listen to non-verbal clues.

I like how she helps understand no one clue is a “tell” and we must all learn how to read between the lines.

Part of career growth is being able to understand our boses and peers as we are working on projects. Our own perception is an issue in the best of times. If we are not listening to non-verbal clues, we can easily head down a dead end.

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Frustrated Searching Job Boards with No Responses – Try Informational Interviews

New research from Jobvite found that “Employees hired through referral are hired 55% faster than those who come from a career site.”

“If you are frustrated searching job boards, sending resumes into black holes, and not getting responses from prospective employers, the “The Alumni Networking Solution” will help you.”

“What exactly is The Alumni Networking Solution?” by John Muscarello

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streetsmartprof‘s insight:

John covers all 5 steps in the article in a concise fashion allowing you to consider the various ideas and whether they will work for you or not. No need to sign up for anything and/or navigate all over trying to find the steps.

The 5 step method looks to be a very solid way to get infront of Alumni from your school for informational interviews. Also recall LinkedIn already has a standard search setup to help you pinpoint who you might want to reach out to by location, by company, and by functional job area.

The LinkedIn alumni search is located here:

Note: For the search to work, remember to setup your college in LinkedIn first. (Log on, in main header bar, look under contacts drop down to find the link for your school once setup.)

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Job Seekers: What to ask in an informational interview

“Since most informational interviews are short — often just 15 or 20 minutes — it’s smart to lead with what’s most relevant to your job search.

“Freiberger suggests bringing a list of questions in descending order of importance.”

“As for what to avoid asking, he says, “Aside from questions that are ridiculously inappropriate … there is only one absolute taboo: Don’t ask for a job.” If all goes well, that will come later.” by Anne Fisher

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streetsmartprof‘s insight:

As the article points out, use open ended questions around your interest and the person across the table. Which means you must come prepared with “open ended” questions to ask and have an idea what the person you are meeting with is interested in themselves.

There are 10 great open ended questions in the article to help you craft some around your dream job and the skills and capabilities you bring to the table. Plus make sure any questions you ask lean towards what the person on the other side of the table will be interested in discussing.

Next up is getting an informational interview. Here is a link which provides numerous ways to make a connection inside a company you would like to work for longer term.

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Job Search: How To Focus with Less “What,” More “Why”

“Your job search will be more successful if you focus less on what you’d like to do and more on why you’re doing it.”

“If we started thinking less about what day-to-day tasks we wanted to do while at work (the ‘what’) and reflected more on the things we wanted to achieve, accomplish or bring about (the ‘why’), we’d have a much easier time determining which field/industry we want to enter, companies we’d like to work for and jobs we’d like to apply for.” By Rachel McKee

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streetsmartprof‘s insight:

Rachel is definetly on the right path. The only small addition I would add is after you’ve decided on your why. Start looking for companies which match your why.

Don’t just settle for any job, “if” there are oppertunites in companies which “fit you and your why”.

Simon Sinek does a great Ted talk around the Why, How, and What. If you haven’t seen it before, it is worth the time. It helps define the “why” in the article above as well as the companies you will pursue.

During the job search, your skills and capabilities help you pintpoint the types of jobs you can add value. Howevever, if the job and the company is unable to fill your passion in life, your “why”, it makes the days that much longer.

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Career Growth – If Software Could Do Your Job – Change May be Next

“This isn’t just an interesting trend for tech or economics nerds to puzzle over; it’s a very real phenomenon that is going to impact your career.”

“So ask yourself: could software basically do your job? What about just some of it?”

“If significant portions of your job could be handled by software, you need to think very seriously about whether the career path you’re on is the right one.” by Walter Frick

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streetsmartprof‘s insight:

Productivity improvements are part of what keeps a company healthy and competitive. During economic growth, most positions which are eliminated are replaced with other positions which bring higher value.

From personal observations, during good times, individuals move around alot within a company which is growing as they and their jobs evolve.

During bad times, it is not uncommon to focus on reducing the cost to produce things. Which includes the office as well as manufacturing jobs.

When there is low or no growth, as positions are removed, others jobs are not being created as quickly. Layoffs and turnover increases and it is a viscous cycle for positive career growth.

Evolution is all about change, or things disappear. The same is true for companies and our own career growth. One of the best ways to not become obsolete. Continue to develop skills and capabilties your company can use as you head towards your dream job.

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Career Growth: 5 Steps to Personal Growth

Over the past 20 years, I’ve learned a lot about managing my career.”

“Today, I’d like to introduce you to the 5 principles that have guided my career to what I now happily refer to as my #dreamjob at In writing this article, I hope to create a catalyst for change in your career.”

“In addition to the principles below, I’ve also provided a call to action with Take Action tips.”

“A wise teacher of mine once said “we learn by doing”, and that’s exactly what you must do to drive your personal growth and career success to a new level.” by Daryl Spreiter, Sr. Manager, Onboarding, Curriculum & Coaching at

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streetsmartprof‘s insight:

If you are realtively new and/or just entering your career, consider reading from the bottom up.

Point 5 is around taking charge of your own career and point 4 is around branding yourself.

In Daryl’s own words, “I learned a long time ago that no one cared as much about my career growth as myself.” Which are wise words to live by as you seek out your dream job.

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To Grow Your Career Leave the Attitude at the Door

I frequently tell our interns and young professionals that skills can be taught, but a positive attitude can’t.”

“For this reason, it’s so important to bring your best self to work every day.”

“Professionals want to work with other nice individuals. It’s difficult to work with negative people.”

“It makes the work day more challenging, and most businesses have a list of challenging tasks already on their agenda.” by Andrea Sabia

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streetsmartprof‘s insight:

One of the hidden points of the article is hiring managers are trained to look for and hire positive attitude. If you want to grow in your career, your attitude is what people see first and likely remember the most about you.

In the article Andrea uses an example of an intern being asked to take care of an adminstrative task. Or she could be discussing an employee with 5 years of experience. The points made are the same.

When you are asked to do things you believe are “below your status”, what is your response? One word answers or ?

In social situations, do you hang out with people who are fun or those who have a negative outlook on life?

My style is to join up with people who jump in regardless of what is going to happen and do their best to make it fun.

We all know work is work. However, we can have a positive attitude and help make the day go faster. Or we can shrink down inside ourselves and ride out the day. Of course the later will likely hurt any chances of accelerating our career growth and we probably won’t have many friends at work.

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